The Fund

The Andrew Croft Memorial Fund
The Andrew Croft Memorial Fund was established in 1998 to preserve for future generations the life, spirit and hopes of Colonel Andrew Croft DSO OBE, Arctic explorer and wartime commando.
The Fund’s Objectives are:
- The advancement of education of young people so as to develop their mental, physical and spiritual capacities so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society by the provision of grants to participate in expeditions particularly to the Arctic.
- The advancement of education of young people below the age of thirty in such subjects which can be advanced by research and field work particularly in the Arctic by the provision of grants to such persons to enable them to participate in scientific expeditions.
- Such exclusively charitable purposes or purposes as the Trustees shall at their absolute discretion decide for the benefit of the inhabitants of Arctic communities.
- For the benefit of the public by assisting members of Her Majesty’s Constabulary with the cost of further education and training which will enhance their effectiveness within the community.
The Fund is a registered charity, number 1078106.
Sir Ranulph Fiennes Bt., OBE
Lieutenant General Sir Andrew Graham Bt., CB, CBE
Mark Evans, MBE, FRGS
Jamie Korner, Chairman
Dr Lorraine Craig, Hon. Treasurer
Nigel Harling
Julia Korner
Professor Robert Schroter
William Korner
The Accounts for the Andrew Croft Memorial Fund are available on the Charity Commision website